Die übersetzte Welt von Irena Brežná


  • Katarína Motyková Universität Bratislava

Słowa kluczowe:

translational turn, translation, culture, Irena Brežná


The text, referring to one particular language and cultural community, however, created in a completely different linguistic (and cultural) community, being its target recipient at the same time, as is the case of the novel Die beste aller Welten by Irena Brežná, may be considered the result of a translation process in a broader context. The story is primarily aimed at the German speaking (reading) audience, thus, Brežná, by means of immanent translation methods, transfers the social and linguistic practice, significant events and key terms typical of the political period and geopolitical situation of 1960s Czechoslovakia. These methods become an important narrative and (inter)cultural technique. The space for translation becomes the space for narration.


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Jak cytować

Motyková, K. (2012). Die übersetzte Welt von Irena Brežná. Studia Germanica Gedanensia, (27), 176–183. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/SGG/article/view/1591