Consumer perception of shared mobility services in the light of global climate challenges


  • Grzegorz Młynarski Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie

Słowa kluczowe:

shared mobility, passenger transport, purchase decisions of transport users


This article identifies factors affecting the decision to use shared mobility and presents the attitudes of its users towards the environment and its protection, drawing on the results of quantitative research carried out in August 2021 in Poland using computer-assisted Web interviewing. First and foremost, it allowed to pinpoint the two factors that have by far the greatest influence on the decision to use shared mobility services: distance to vehicle and cost per minute. Thus far, environmental concerns are of secondary importance. Moreover, although Polish drivers at present have no intention of giving up their cars, in the future, given appropriate economic incentives and easy access to shared vehicles, they might be convinced to do so.


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Jak cytować

Młynarski, G. . (2021). Consumer perception of shared mobility services in the light of global climate challenges. International Business and Global Economy, 40, 65–74. Pobrano z


