Value management of non-financial enterprises in the face of financialization processes


  • Alina Rydzewska Silesian University of Technology


value management of company, financialization, financial statements analysis


Financialization in relation to (non-financial) enterprises means increasing the importance of financial motives in the decision-making processes of enterprises. This is reflected in the management of the enterprise, directing it to shareholder value management and using financial instruments offered by the financial sphere for this purpose.

The purpose of the publication is to examine whether the financing processes had an impact on the value management of non-financial enterprises in Poland. The research was based on the method of analyzing indicators identifying financialization and determining their impact on the ROE ratio as a measure of shareholder value. For this purpose, we used the financial statements of non-financial enterprises published by the Central Statistical Office for the years 2010–2016.

The research shows that Polish non-financial enterprises do not use the instruments offered by the financial sphere in order to create value for shareholders (measured by the return on equity ratio – ROE). They demonstrate an increase of involvement in financial activities, what is evidenced by a growing trend of active and passive structure indicators of financial instruments, as well as an increase of the return on assets from financial operations (ROFA). However, the increase of the presented measures does not affect the profitability of total assets (ROA) and financing assets with equity (KW / AKT) – ratios that determine the value of ROE.


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How to Cite

Rydzewska, A. (2018). Value management of non-financial enterprises in the face of financialization processes. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 16(4.1), 179–192. Retrieved from


