Borrower discouragement of corporations in financing physical investments


  • Katarzyna Żak University of Economics in Katowice

Słowa kluczowe:

physical investments, sources of finance, borrower discouragement


The article places the main focus on borrower discouragement. Its primary aim is to explain what this phenomenon involves and determine its scope and causes in the Visegrad Group counties (V4). In order to achieve this aim, the author presents and compares two major sources of finance for physical investments in non-financial corporations, i.e. internal finance and bank finance.

The article uses the methodology of net sources of finance initially developed by C. Mayer, J. Corbett and T. Jenkinson.

The practical dimension of the analysis should be perceived through the prism of the opportunities to determine the direction of changes in the area of financing physical investments of non-financial corporation in the V4 countries.


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Jak cytować

Żak, K. (2018). Borrower discouragement of corporations in financing physical investments. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 16(2), 299–312. Pobrano z


