Practical aspects of talent management in the light of empirical studies – a dynamic approach


  • Irena Dudzik-Lewicka University of Bielsko-Biala

Słowa kluczowe:

knowledge, human resources, talent, talent management


The underlying basis of talent management is the assumption that people constitute an enterprise’s major value and decisive factor of its competitive advantage. Therefore, the concept of talent management has already become a part and parcel of a business strategy shared by many leading enterprises. According to numerous studies, talent management is going to pose a great challenge to companies in a couple of incoming years. Thus, talent management is no longer an option but a must. This fact encouraged the author to analyze crucial practical aspects of current talent management on the Polish market, confronting current literary studies with the results of an empirical analysis with an attempt to deeply grasp the concept and its dynamics from the point of view represented and shared by Polish entrepreneurs.


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Jak cytować

Dudzik-Lewicka, I. (2018). Practical aspects of talent management in the light of empirical studies – a dynamic approach. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 16(1.2), 67–76. Pobrano z


