Application of SWOT-analysis method in forming the organic farming development strategy as a basis of success of the food industry in Ukraine


  • Oksana Senyshyn Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Oleksandr Kundytskyj Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Słowa kluczowe:

organic farming, organic products, production of organic food products, organic standards, SWOT-analysis, strategy of development


At present day stage of development of the globalization processes organic farming is one of the important priorities in developing the food producing complex in general. This kind of farming is a necessity that is dictated and predetermined in the global context. The main task of this article is analysis of development problems of organic farming in Ukraine. Methodological basis of the study is using of SWOT-analysis of the process of organic farming that identifies principal opportunities and threats, strong and weak points of its functioning and development, chooses the strategy for development of state organic farming. Having analyzed in detail the matrix of SWOT-analysis that shows relationship of external environment with the strong and weak points of organic agriculture, that is, SO, ST, WO, WT–strategic directions, we consider it to be expedient to choose not the strategy of growth but the strategy of development of state organic farming.


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Jak cytować

Senyshyn, O., & Kundytskyj, O. (2018). Application of SWOT-analysis method in forming the organic farming development strategy as a basis of success of the food industry in Ukraine. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 16(1.1), 187–201. Pobrano z


