Sustainable mobility planning in Poland


  • Marcin Wołek University of Gdańsk



urban mobility, transport planning, public transport market


For some time, sustainable urban mobility planning has been in the centre of attention of various cities and municipalities in Poland. Its substance involves integrating the urban transport and spatial policy. While the transport policy is well established in the functioning of Polish cities, its impact on their spatial sphere regarding balancing the mobility is extremely insufficient. The situation is even more difficult in metropolitan areas combining various territorial, functional and spatial subsystems. The article presents the idea and scope of sustainable urban mobility planning, the process of making the mobility in the Polish cities more sustainable, review of strategic documents on the national level referring to the said issue and the process of space metropolization as a challenge for developing mobility in a sustainable manner.


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How to Cite

Wołek, M. (2018). Sustainable mobility planning in Poland. Transport Economics and Logistics, 76, 13–22.