Rational distribution of the high-speed railway capacity between trains of various categories


  • Viktor Myronenko State University for Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Viacheslav Matsiuk State University for Infrastructure and Technologies




high-speed railways, organization of high-speed passenger and freight transportation, dedicated capacity


The article presents a methodology for the distribution of available capacity of high-speed railways, in the conditions of equal access to the railway infrastructure of different participants of the transport market. This will allow maximizing the efficiency of using available capacity of high-speed railways, while simultaneously organizing freight and passenger transportation.


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How to Cite

Myronenko, V., & Matsiuk, V. (2018). Rational distribution of the high-speed railway capacity between trains of various categories. Transport Economics and Logistics, 76, 95–100. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2018.76.07