Electric vehicle vs. internal combustion car in the smart city concept


  • Adrian Śliwa University of Gdańsk




Replacing traditional internal combustion cars with electric vehicles is one of the most important aspects of the concept of electro-mobility which means environmentally friendly and clean transport. Such means of passenger transport logically fit in with the Smart City concept, as theoretically they could create opportunities for reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. The presented research results are an attempt to verify this hypothesis based on the opinions collected in a survey randomly conducted on users of two types of automobiles with electric and internal combustion engines. The results of the survey are not unambiguous since the development of electromobility is not supported by higher occupancy rates in electric cars and their more frequent use on short distances, but the argument for promoting them is their better operating and economic performance.


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How to Cite

Śliwa, A. (2018). Electric vehicle vs. internal combustion car in the smart city concept. Transport Economics and Logistics, 79, 65–76. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2018.79.05



Transport economics and transport systems