The Influence of Traffic and Meteorological Parameters Assessment on Noise Emission


  • Marcin Honkisz University of Bielsko-Biala
  • Justyna Sordyl University of Bielsko-Biala



sound pollution, noise, traffic, velocity, impact


The main purpose of that study was an experimental effort to determine the correlation between various traffic and meteorological parameters and sound pollution created as a result of the that traffic.

This paper presents theresearch results oftraffic noise level recorded inthestreet which is a part of the road system of Bielsko-Biala city. Measured noise data was compared to the registered traffic flows, share of heavy vehicles in the traffic flow and to the velocity of vehicles in the traffic flow. To determine the vehicle velocity from recorded video a velocity detection algorithm was used. It was created based on the MatLab package and allows to determine the vehicle velocity in the movie frame.

The studies are at the first step towards obtaining general assumptions related to the work leading to the formulation of a semi-empirical model of acoustic impact of traffic flow.

The paper shows the strong correlation between traffic flow and sound level. At the same time, it presents a slight impact of the structure and the speed of vehicles on the level of noise. However, weather conditions don’t have any influence on the created sound pollution.


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How to Cite

Honkisz , M., & Sordyl, J. . (2019). The Influence of Traffic and Meteorological Parameters Assessment on Noise Emission. Transport Economics and Logistics, 81, 107–118.


