E-mobility On-demand in the Central and Eastern European Countries: Current Trends, Carriers and Opportunities


  • Jana Pieriegud SGH Warsaw School of Economics




electromobility, shared mobility on-demand, BEV, CEE, Poland


Electromobility (e-mobility) and shared mobility on-demand are relatively new research areas. Different progress has been made in different countries in these fields. The paper analyzes current trends of the development of e-mobility on-demand services (car-sharing, bike-sharing, scooter-sharing, and kick scooter-sharing) in six selected CEE countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Belarus). Identification of the main barriers and opportunities for further growth required a review the key components of national e-mobility systems, such as: demand and supply on the electric car market, charging infrastructure development, as well as available instruments supporting e-mobility. A number of absolute and relative indicators were used. The analysis confirmed that Poland and other CEE countries are still at the beginning phase of the e-mobility development. Although Poland is the leader in the CEE region in terms of the development of e-mobility on-demand services, a low charging infrastructure availability is one of the barriers of car-sharing development. Economic effectiveness of the providers’ activities will be the main challenge in the coming years.


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How to Cite

Pieriegud , J. . (2019). E-mobility On-demand in the Central and Eastern European Countries: Current Trends, Carriers and Opportunities. Transport Economics and Logistics, 81, 143–154. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2019.81.12


