Logistics Capabilities in Achieving the Firm's Competitive Position and Market Success


  • Rafał Matwiejczuk University of Opole




logistics, capabilities, competitive position, market success


Firms are constantly looking for ways to build and strengthen their competitiveness. The most important dimensions of the firm’s competitiveness are the firm’s competitive position as well as the firm’s market success. An important role among the most significant factors affecting the firm’s competitiveness is assigned to the firm’s capabilities, including logistics capabilities. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of the influence of the firm’s logistics capabilities on the firm’s competitive position as well as the firm’s achievement of market success. In particular, the following issues are presented in the article: (1) the nature of the firm’s capabilities, including dynamic capabilities perceived as its strategic capabilities; (2) the firm’s competitiveness and its basic characteristics; (3) the firm’s competitive advantage with its main dimensions concerning the competitive position and market success; (4) logistics capabilities perceived as the firm’s strategic capabilities affecting the firm’s competitive position and achievement of market success in light of the research.


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How to Cite

Matwiejczuk , R. . (2019). Logistics Capabilities in Achieving the Firm’s Competitive Position and Market Success. Transport Economics and Logistics, 82, 7–18. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2019.82.01


