Developing the Logistics Operator Function in PKP CARGO Group Strategy


  • Czesław Warsewicz PKP CARGO S.A.



railway, freight transport, intermodal transport, logistics, logistics operator, third party logistics partner


The aim of this article is to present the possibilities of developing logistics services by the PKP CARGO S.A. Group which is the largest rail freight operator in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. PKP CARGO S.A. wishes to enhance its market position, and one of the strategic goals of the company is to take up the function of a logistics operator. The company is predisposed to play this role due to its position in the market and the opportunities for its development. Moreover, it is the economy and the changing freight structure as well as the EU policy in the field of sustainable transport that are conducive to developing the function of a logistics partner.

Nevertheless, PKP CARGO is operating in specific business, legal, infrastructural and rolling-stock conditions. This environment is not easy, in certain situations it is even a hindrance, an obstacle to the development of logistics services, none-theless, the company can see wide prospects for such business. Moreover, analysis of the European market shows that rail operators on these markets have been developing in the direction of a logistics partner.


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How to Cite

Warsewicz, C. (2019). Developing the Logistics Operator Function in PKP CARGO Group Strategy. Transport Economics and Logistics, 82, 29–42.


