Risk Management in SMES


  • Agnieszka Gaschi-Uciecha Silesian University of Technology




SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises, risk management


Risk management is a process concerning not only large organizations, but also enterprises belonging to the SME sector. When this process is managed effectively, it is possible to eliminate the greatest and most frequent disturbances and also appropriately respond to the occurring changes and use the available opportunities. The activity of the SME sector and the impact of the risk management process on the competitive position of these enterprises increasingly gain significant importance. Therefore, it is worth considering how to help these enterprises to overcome the difficulties which they encounter. The article presents the results of the research conducted on enterprises from the SME sector and operating in the Silesian Voivodeship, using a research survey. The research concerned the application of risk management in these enterprises and the way of documenting it.


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How to Cite

Gaschi-Uciecha, A. . (2019). Risk Management in SMES. Transport Economics and Logistics, 82, 91–99. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2019.82.08


