Warehouse and Transport Processes Based on The Example of a Selected Enterprise from the Electrical Installation Industry


  • Jadwiga Grabowska Silesian University of Technology




warehouse and transport processes, process map, logistic indicators


This article presents the course of warehouse and transport processes on the example of a selected enterprise from the electrical installation industry. The warehouse infrastructure – finished goods warehouse, technical means ofmanipulation andstorage devices were characterized. Theanalysis ofthestorage process was performed using a map of processes and indicators for warehouse management, for warehouse and technical performance indicators. The second part of the article deals with the analysis of the transport process. The enterprise’s own transport was compared with the possibility of outsourcing this service. The transport process was also analyzed using the mapping and indicator methods. Thus, this article uses such methods as analysis, process mapping and indicators to diagnose the analyzed processes. The article also presents further research directions.


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How to Cite

Grabowska , J. . (2019). Warehouse and Transport Processes Based on The Example of a Selected Enterprise from the Electrical Installation Industry. Transport Economics and Logistics, 82, 101–111. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2019.82.09


