The Role of Railway Infrastructure in Servicing Freight and Passenger Transport in Agglomeration - on the Example of Poznań


  • Marcin Jurczak Poznań University of Economics and Business



city logistics, rail transport, rail infrastructure


An appropriate infrastructure is required to efficiently meet the mobility needs of citizens and the needs of business in the implementation of transport processes. This infrastructure must be taken care of by local authorities and other entities. Hence, the role of local government cannot be overestimated in this respect. The development of the rail transport infrastructure should not lag behind the development and changing needs of the city. Adequate development of the railway infrastructure makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of rail transport in cities and agglomerations, both in respect of passenger and freight transport.

The article examines the current state of the railway transport infrastructure in the city of Poznań and in the Poznań agglomeration, paying attention to the potential of its use in the above mentioned transport groups. The aim of the author is to indicate the problems faced by the city today and the directions of railway infrastructure development in the city.


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How to Cite

Jurczak , M. . (2019). The Role of Railway Infrastructure in Servicing Freight and Passenger Transport in Agglomeration - on the Example of Poznań. Transport Economics and Logistics, 82, 113–128.


