Possibilities and Conditions of Application of the Karlsruhe Model in Selected Tramway Systems in Poland


  • Tomasz Adamkiewicz University of Gdańsk




tram-train system, public transport, trams, regional railways


The article presents the problem of the possibility of adapting the Karlsruhe model in selected three tram systems in Poland. In the first part of the work, there are discussed: the genesis of the model and the possible technical-technological and organizational solutions in the field of tram-train system operation. There have been also identified: the barriers that obstruct the full integration of typical tram and railway systems, taking into account legislative, organizational and technical conditions. The second part of the article is devoted to the analysis of preliminary projects for the implementation of the tram-train system in selected Polish cities. The analysis was preceded by a short systematization of examples of historical solutions combining rail and tram transport systems. The proposals for the application of the Karlsruhe model quoted in the paper, showed that there is a relatively low level of advancement of this model and it is not included in the overall transport policy of the discussed cities. Actions that aimed at improving and increasing the attractiveness of tram transport are focused on the development of the classical system.


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How to Cite

Adamkiewicz , T. . (2019). Possibilities and Conditions of Application of the Karlsruhe Model in Selected Tramway Systems in Poland. Transport Economics and Logistics, 83, 141–152. https://doi.org/10.26881/etil.2019.83.11


