Development and validation of a stress response measure: the Daily Stress Response Scale (DSRS)


  • Agata Debowska SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, The University of Sheffield
  • Beata Horeczy St. Jadwiga Provincial Clinical Hospital, Medical College, University of Rzeszow
  • Daniel Boduszek SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Huddersfield
  • Dariusz Dolinski SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Claudia C. von Bastian The University of Sheffield

Słowa kluczowe:

Daily Stress Response Scale (DSRS), stress response, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), criterion-related validity, coefficient omega


To date, there is a lack of measures for capturing a broad spectrum of psychophysiological stress reactions that can be administered on a daily basis and in different contexts. A need for such a measure is especially salient in settings where stress processes can unfold momentarily and substantially fluctuate daily. Therefore, the main aim of the current study was to develop and validate the Daily Stress Response Scale (DSRS), an instrument capturing a broad spectrum of psycho-physiological stress reactions that can be administered in real time and in different contexts.

Participants and procedure:
The study was conducted in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe. Participants were 7228 (81% female) Polish university students. The data were collected anonymously through self-completion questionnaires. The DSRS was subject to confirmatory factor analyses (CFA).

The DSRS is a 30-item, easy-to-use stress response measure with excellent psychometric properties. Based on CFA results, the scale consists of two subscales, psychological and physiological stress response, which form associations with related external criteria.

The DSRS is a reliable and valid measure of psychological and physiological stress reactions that can be used to assess the stress response to daily stressors, including those of an acute nature, such as a crisis, trauma, or surgery.


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Jak cytować

Debowska, A., Horeczy, B., Boduszek, D., Dolinski, D., & von Bastian, C. C. (2022). Development and validation of a stress response measure: the Daily Stress Response Scale (DSRS). Health Psychology Report, 10(3), 238–248. Pobrano z


