Fear of COVID-19 and future anxiety among Polish university students during a pandemic


Słowa kluczowe:

worries about future, fear of infection, psychological wellbeing, college students



The pandemic poses a threat to human health and life, and anxiety is the most common psychological problem occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the study was to establish the differences in the fear of COVID-19 infection and the future anxiety experienced by students during the pandemic by gender, field of study, place of study and paid employment, and their relationships to psychological well-being.

Participants and procedure

The study involved 1294 university students aged 18-30. The Future Anxiety Scale and short version of the Psychological General Well-Being Index were used. In addition, students stated whether they were concerned about the possibility of contracting the coronavirus and falling ill with COVID-19.


One-third of respondents stated that they felt fear of contracting the coronavirus. Women experienced a signifisignificantly stronger fear of COVID-19 and future anxiety than men. The observed interaction effects show that female students of medical faculties experienced a higher fear of COVID-19 than women studying fields of study related to physical activity and working students experienced a slightly higher future anxiety. A positive, but weak correlation between fear of COVID-19 and future anxiety was found. Psychological well-being correlated poorly with fear of COVID-19 and moderately with future anxiety.


Because future anxiety was stronger in women, medical students, some master’s students and working people, preventive measures should be taken to prevent excessive anxiety and to promote mental health in these groups.


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Jak cytować

Guszkowska, M., & Bodasińska, A. (2023). Fear of COVID-19 and future anxiety among Polish university students during a pandemic. Health Psychology Report, 11(3), 252–261. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/HPR/article/view/9928


