The New Regime of Bond Loans in Greece



Bond loans, bonds, corporate finance, Greek business law, bondholder, bondholder agent, bondholders’ meeting, subscription agreement


Corporate financing through bond loans has witnessed a significant surge in popularity within Greek capital markets over recent decades. In response to this evolving landscape, Greek Law 4548/2018 was enacted with the aim of establishing an appealing legal framework for financing Greek companies, superseding the provisions outlined in Greek Laws 2190/1920 and 3156/2003. This study delves into the exploration of the novel legal framework introduced by Greek Law 4548/2018, specifically focusing on private placement bond loans.

The primary hypothesis guiding this investigation revolves around the notion that the new legal framework, as delineated by Greek Law 4548/2018, has reshaped the landscape of bond loan financing in Greece. The study aims to uncover the key objectives behind the legislative changes and assess the impact of these changes on the financial landscape for Greek companies.

After providing a succinct overview of the most noteworthy innovations introduced by Greek Law 4548/2018 and elucidating the advantages associated with bond loan financing, the study scrutinizes the fundamental features inherent to bond loans. Within this context, the legal nature of bonds is analyzed, considering the contemporary trend steering away from the traditional legal function of securities tied to physical possession. The research further delves into the key stakeholders involved in the bond loan process, including the issuing company, bondholder, and bondholder agent. The study seeks to explore the objectives and outcomes associated with these structures, contributing to the originality of the article.

The novelty of this article lies in its comprehensive exploration of the transformed legal landscape for private placement bond loans in Greece following the enactment of Greek Law 4548/2018. By delving into the objectives, outcomes, and organizational structures associated with bond loans, this study aims to contribute valuable insights to the evolving field of corporate financing in Greek capital markets.


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How to Cite

Saitakis, K. (2024). The New Regime of Bond Loans in Greece. Financial Law Review, (33(1), 16–47. Retrieved from


