Assessment of the Effectiveness of Legal Solutions Introduced in France in Response to the Financial Crisis. Selected Legal Issues



financial market, financial crisis, French law, income tax, protection of shareholders


This contribution deals with the selected legal provisions that were introduced by French government as a response to the financial crisis from 2008.

The main aim of the contribution is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that some of the measures like loi Florange (double vote right) have a certain effectiveness while others like high revenues income tax have no positive impact on economy.

The author in about 10 years perspective is going to analyse the impact of chosen legal solutions on the French economy and evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions related to the increase of the tax charges and solutions related to protection of long term shareholders of companies listed on the stock exchange.

The scientific methods that are used in the article are related to the functional approach of the comparative legal method, the historical-descriptive method and dogmatic method. The methodology in the article is chosen in order to show that French legal solutions may constitute an interesting reference to other EU countries as an example of the possible response to the future financial crisises.


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Legal Acts

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How to Cite

Mariański, M. (2024). Assessment of the Effectiveness of Legal Solutions Introduced in France in Response to the Financial Crisis. Selected Legal Issues. Financial Law Review, (33(1), 48–61. Retrieved from


