Financing of Pro-environmental Measures From the Programme European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment



Funding, pro-environmental measures, climate, EU funds


The European Union promotes the implementation of pro-environmental initiatives to improve the living conditions of citizens in the Member States by improving the condition of the natural environment. The main sources of funding for environment and climate action in Poland from the cohesion policy funds are national programmes including: European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate and Environment (FEnIKS), as well as regional programmes. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the principles of financing pro-environmental projects from the funds of the FEnIKS programme, and to show how their implementation affects environmental protection and the improvement of climate conditions in Poland. The article also deals with the issue of control of the spending of European funds.


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How to Cite

Piwowarczyk, A., & Jaś-Nowopolska, M. (2024). Financing of Pro-environmental Measures From the Programme European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment. Financial Law Review, (33(1), 82–97. Retrieved from


