Guarantees of legality and selected aspects of legal liability in subsidy law


  • Richard Bartes Technical University of Ostrava



legal liability, subsidy law, subsidy grantor, subsidy recipient


The article is dealing with guarantees of legality and with selected legal aspects of the legal liability in subsidy law. The subsidy law is a constituent of the fiscal part of the Czech financial law. The importance of the subsidy law is intensified by the fact that the subject of the subsidy law is the redistribution of public money. In fact, public money is associated with the public interest and has to be therefore protected from a misusing and from a wasting. Such protection consists of legal instruments, which are of a preventive or punitive nature. These legal instruments are applied in subsidy legal relationships between a subsidy recipient and a subsidy grantor in case of violation of financial (subsidy) norms, which shall give rise to the legal liability. In some cases the sanction is applied by the subsidy grantor, sometimes by the tax administration. The main aim of the article is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that sanctions in the subsidy law are the same for cases when a subsidy is provided from state funds and for cases when a subsidy is provided from territorial funds. The partial aim of the paper is to analyse when the subsidy grantor and the tax administration would apply the sanction and to present particular guarantees of legality in the subsidy law. The research methods used in the article are analysis and synthesis, description and comparative methods.


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Legal Acts:

Act No. 388/1991 Coll., on the State environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, as amended.

Act No. 239/1992 Coll., on the State Fund of Culture of the Czech Republic, as amended.

Act No. 215/2004 Coll., on the regulation of certain relations in the area of state aid and on the amendment of the Act on Support of Research and Development, in amendment.

Act No. 218/2000 Coll., on budgetary rules and amending certain related acts, as amended.

Act No. 250/2000 Coll., on budgetary rules of territorial budgets, as amended.

Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on employment, as amended.

Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Code, as amended.

Act No. 561/2004 Coll., Education Act, as amended.

Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, as amended.

Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, as amended.

Commission Regulation No. 1407/2013.

Consolidated version of the Treaty on European Union No. 2012/C 326/01.

Government Regulation no. 249/2002 Coll., on conditions for providing contributions to a mortgage loan to persons under 36 years of age.

Court rulings:

Constitutional Court: Pl. ÚS 12/14.

Court of Justice: C-465/10.

Supreme Administrative Court: 11 Afs 1/2004-73.

Supreme Administrative Court: 9 Afs 113/2007-63.

Supreme Administrative Court: 9 Afs 1/2008-45.

Supreme Administrative Court: 9 Afs 202/2007-68.

Supreme Administrative Court: 1 Afs 100/2009-63.

Supreme Administrative Court:5 Afs 69/2010-135.

Supreme Administrative Court:1 Afs 77/2010-81.

Supreme Administrative Court: 5 Afs 69/2010-135.

Supreme Administrative Court: 8 Afs 47/2013-45.

Supreme Administrative Court: 7 Afs 93/2013-31.

Supreme Administrative Court: 5 Afs 90/2012-33.

Supreme Administrative Court: 62 Af 22/2013-66.

Supreme Administrative Court: 4 As 117/2014-39.

Supreme Administrative Court: 6 Afs 270/2015-48.

Supreme Administrative Court: 6 Afs 55 /2016 - 70.

Supreme Administrative Court: 6 Afs 270/2015-78.

Supreme Administrative Court: 9 Afs 168/2017-36.

Other Official Documents:

Explanatory Memorandum to the Act No. 24/2015 Coll.




How to Cite

Bartes, R. . (2020). Guarantees of legality and selected aspects of legal liability in subsidy law. Financial Law Review, (17(1), 1–11.


