On certain issues of digital services taxes


  • Ladislav Hrabčák Masaryk University in Brno
  • Adrián Popovič Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice




digital economy, digital services, tax, law


The article deals with some of the consequences of the digital economy in general. The authors focus on digital services, specifically the tax law aspects of digital services. Some states' tax systems already regulate certain partial issues of the digital economy, such as taxation of virtual currencies or taxation of digital platforms, but now legislators are focusing on taxation of digital services. This paper highlights ongoing initiatives at international and national level to provide the reader with a relatively comprehensive view of the current (legal) situation. “Digital giants” are already taxed in some countries, and therefore it is possible to assess how effective some legislation is, even if it has been too short to evaluate it objectively.


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How to Cite

Hrabčák, L. ., & Popovič, A. . (2020). On certain issues of digital services taxes. Financial Law Review, (17(1), 52–69. https://doi.org/10.4467/22996834FLR.20.004.12045


