Financial Support to Local Budgets from other Budgets in Russia and some Foreign Countries


  • Maria Mardasova Voronezh State University


financial support, inter-budget transfers, local budgets, subvention, grant, subsidy, interbudget relations, budget system


The article is devoted to the consideration of relations on providing financial support, the so called inter-budget transfers, to local budgets from other budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation. The acceptance of the independence of local self-government with the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993 made it necessary to implement legal regulation of relations in the field of financial support to the activities of municipalities. The article describes the process of reforming the regulatory framework in the field of relations for the provision of inter-budget transfers to local budgets. The author conducts comparative analysis of inter-budgetary relations for providing financial support to municipalities with a number of European States (the Czech Republic, Poland, the Republic of Lithuania, and Slovakia) and also highlights similarities with Russian legal regulation.



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How to Cite

Mardasova, M. . (2020). Financial Support to Local Budgets from other Budgets in Russia and some Foreign Countries. Financial Law Review, (19(3), 36–52. Retrieved from


