The right to defence in proceedings in the case of a financial penalty being imposed for infringement of banking law by a supervisory authorities in Germany and Poland


  • Weronika Stawińska-Artecka Kozminski University in Warsaw


infringement of banking law, right to defence, financial penalties


The article aims to present the model of proceedings in the case of a financial penalty being imposed for infringement of banking law in Poland and Germany and verify whether the parties' right to defence is ensured. The above issue is extremely topical, especially in light of the number and amount of financial penalties imposed by banking supervisory authorities. The article's thesis assumes that the legal regulations in force in Poland and Germany make the indicated guarantee a reality. The article highlights the role of financial market supervisory authorities, whose activities, including the imposition of financial penalties, translate into the safety of the banking sector. Detecting and then sanctioning banking law violations motivates financial market participants not to commit such violations. First, based on an analysis of judicial decisions and international law norms, the criteria that an exemplary model implementing the principle of the right to defence should meet were established. On the other hand, the following part of the article compares the legal framework in Poland and Germany and verifies whether the legal provisions provide the parties with the guarantees in question when imposing a financial penalty for violations of banking law.


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How to Cite

Stawińska-Artecka , W. . (2022). The right to defence in proceedings in the case of a financial penalty being imposed for infringement of banking law by a supervisory authorities in Germany and Poland. Financial Law Review, (27(3), 16–32. Retrieved from


