Enforceable Title as a Basis for Enforcement of Tax Liabilities


  • Anna Dalkowska Gdańsk School of Banking


enforceable title, administrative execution, taxpayer, tax


Effective enforcement of tax liabilities guarantees proper functioning of the state. The key role is played by the administrative enforceable title [Polish: tytuł wykonawczy], issued by the creditor, which constitutes the basis for initiation and implementation of enforcement proceedings. It is an official document constituting evidence of a taxpayer’s failure to meet an obligation in a timely manner, giving an enforcement authority the right to use coercive measures on that taxpayer. The aim of the article is to present the enforceable title, as a necessary basis for the administrative enforcement of tax claims to condition its compliance with the law regulations and attempt to answer the question: does the legal enforceable title in current law regulations guarantees the creditor realization of the public interest and the taxpayer the right to legal procedures for enforcement? Primarily, legal and comparative method based on the condition and operation of the law in force is used in the article.


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Legal acts

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Court rulings

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Ruling of the Regional Administrative Court (WSA) in Olsztyn dated 21 may 2014 I SA/Ol 162/08, LEX No. 521781.

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Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) dated 25 October 1996, SAB/Wr 1/96, Lex No. 27349.

Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) dated 10 December 2013, SAB/Wr 720/13, Lex No. 1420268.

Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) dated 8 January 2014, II GSK 2415/13 LEX No. 1452758.

Ruling of the Regional Administrative Court (WSA) in Szczecin dated 13 June 2013. II SA/Sz 1253/12 LEX No. 1336523.

Ruling of the Regional Administrative Court (WSA) in Olsztyn dated 16 January 2014 I SA/Ol 221/13 LEX No.1426597.

Ruling of the Regional Administrative Court (WSA) in Lublin dated 13 March 2014 SA/Lu 1352/13 LEX No. 1522308.




How to Cite

Dalkowska, A. (2016). Enforceable Title as a Basis for Enforcement of Tax Liabilities. Financial Law Review, 1(3), 1–11. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/flr/article/view/942


