A survey study of fisheries in the Baltic Sea: International comparisons and problem of using common fish stocks


  • Альберт Гургенович Мнацаканян Kaliningradzki Państwowy Uniwersytet Techniczny
  • Александр Геннадьевич Харин Kaliningradzki Państwowy Uniwersytet Techniczny

Słowa kluczowe:

Baltic Sea, common-poll fish resources, fishery, fishing indicators


The Baltic Sea is one of the most intensively used seas of the Earth. The fish stocks in the Baltic Sea are small, they are endangered by excessive exploitation and are transboundary. The problem of rational use of the fish stock is solved only at the international level. Rational fisheries are based on knowledge of its socio-economic motives and environmental aspects. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively assess the state of fisheries in the Baltic Sea using the methodology of comparative analysis. The results of the study are the identification of the features of the use of common fish resources and the identification of priorities for the interaction of fishery subjects in the Baltic Sea.


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Jak cytować

Мнацаканян, А. Г., & Харин, А. Г. (2018). A survey study of fisheries in the Baltic Sea: International comparisons and problem of using common fish stocks. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 16(3.2), 197–208. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/zif/article/view/7701


