Commercial (Business) Parks in the Landside Areas - Research and Polemical Approach


  • Danuta Halina Rucińska University of Gdańsk
  • Andrzej Ruciński University of Gdańsk



airport, landside areas, commercial (business) parks


According to the forecasts of the development of air traffic in Europe by 2030, it will be doubled. Along with the dynamic development of the industry, branch and its infrastructure, the area around airports is becoming a place of concentration of diversified commercial activity-economic, investment, business, cultural etc. The vicinity of airports, airport-related zones, especially in the immediate vicinity, are convenient roundabouts are convenient locations for commercial (business) parks due to high availability of air transport, supply of land for investment and infrastructure investment for these areas. They are managed from the level of airports as part of their non-aeronautical activities or by entities independent of the airport. The strength of these locations is demonstrated by the activities of airport managers, investors and local government officials whose goal is to attract foreign companies (users of modern real estate in so-called airport towns). The aim of the article is to analyze the development processes of these functional space structures, including those related to the Gdańsk Lech Walesa Airport. Theresearch process uses the methodology developed by ACI (Airport Council International), and some results and opinions are the effect of in-depth studies and author’s experience.


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How to Cite

Rucińska , D. H., & Ruciński , A. . (2019). Commercial (Business) Parks in the Landside Areas - Research and Polemical Approach. Transport Economics and Logistics, 83, 89–103.


