The Influence of the Place of Residence on the Behavior and Transport Preferences of the Inhabitants of the Agglomeration


  • Krzysztof Grzelec University of Gdańsk
  • Romanika Okraszewska Gdansk University of Technology



transport preferences, transport behavior, travel attitudes, built environment, public transport


Transport behaviors and preferences have an impact on modal split, which is why they should form the basis for shaping the public transport offer. Achieving the goals of sustainable mobility requires taking into account differences in transport behavior and preferences characterizing residents from different areas of the agglomeration. Analyzing differences in behaviors and preferences, the possibilities and limitations resulting from the mass character of public transport services and the fact that the main determinant of the offer is the space determined by displacements in the source-target relation should be taken into account. This article identifies differences in transport behavior and preferences of residents based on the center and suburbs of the Gdańsk agglomeration. At the same time, a preliminary attempt was made to explain the causes of specific differences in residents’ behavior and transport preferences, taking into account the limited volume ofpublication. The share of public transport in the implementation of travel decreases with the distance of the area of   residence from the center of the agglomeration. The increase in the share of rail transport in travel affects the increase in the importance of waiting time and the lack of change as a decisive factor in the selection of cars in trips. Transport preferences are strongly diversified in individual areas. Differences are noticeable even in the center areas constituting separate administrative units.


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How to Cite

Grzelec , K. ., & Okraszewska , R. . (2019). The Influence of the Place of Residence on the Behavior and Transport Preferences of the Inhabitants of the Agglomeration. Transport Economics and Logistics, 83, 163–178.


