L’Arrestation de Jean Anouilh ou les affections inexprimables


  • Sylwia Kucharuk Université Marie Curie‐Skłodowska Lublin

Mots-clés :

hatred, shame, introspection, autobiography


Arrestation by Jean Anouilh is a peculiar study of feelings such as hatred, anxiety, regret and shame. The feelings originating from his humble upbringing, have a negative impact on relations with loved ones. The author has chosen a quite interesting way to portray those complicated relations by means of retrospection, which at the same time is the introspection of the protagonist. It helps him to finally understand and tame his negative emotions, which according to him, were the reason for his life’s misfortune. Some critics have discerned the author’s incarnation in the protagonist. Through this creation the author can express on stage his own feelings, which seemed to be too difficult for him to express in real life. However, knowing the author’s unpredictability and his inclination for provocation, there is a suspicion that it might only be a sort of game played with the critics and the audience.



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Comment citer

Kucharuk, S. (2017). L’Arrestation de Jean Anouilh ou les affections inexprimables. Cahiers ERTA, (11), 65–79. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1001

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