Romantisme et drogue, la modernité en question


  • Eric Gondard Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3

Mots-clés :

romanticism, social representations, modernity, drugs, theory of knowledge


We will begin with the premise that drug intake, and furthermost the representations that surround this intake, are a reflection of a given time and culture’s atmosphere. That is to say that the way in which drugs are understood in general can be a strong indicator of a certain era’s imaginary. This imaginary can, amongst other techniques, be probed through a study of literature. We are proposing to do this through a reading of 19th century occidental authors and by striving to create a synergy between literature, the intake of consciousness-altering substances and Romantic aesthetics. The ways in which drugs are treated in literature can be a useful means of grasping the atmosphere and aesthetics that each era conveys.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.


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Durand G., Les structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire, Paris, Dunod, 1992.

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Comment citer

Gondard, E. (2015). Romantisme et drogue, la modernité en question. Cahiers ERTA, (7), 59–70. Consulté à l’adresse


