Georges Perec ou entre le moderne et le postmoderne


Mots-clés :

syncrétisme, éclectisme, « liberatura », œuvre littéraire, livre artistique, rhizome


This article focuses on the literary and artistic work of Georges Perec. The aspect I discuss is the dual character of his work, which, in my interpretation, can be situated between the modern and the postmodern. In other words, I would have to say that his work is situated between the syncretism that I take to be the dominant form of literary and artistic modernity and the eclecticism that is the dominant form of « liquid modernity », as defined by Zygmunt Bauman. The tool I use here is the concept of LIBERATURA, which allows me to highlight the status of Je me souviens of Georges Perec between the modern and the postmodern, between the literary work and the artistic book.


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Comment citer

Rapak, W. (2024). Georges Perec ou entre le moderne et le postmoderne. Cahiers ERTA, (39), 159–173. Consulté à l’adresse


