S’autofictionnaliser à la manière de la madeleine à l’envers dans Un amour de soi de Serge Doubrovsky


  • Nadia Bouhadid Université Constantine

Mots-clés :

autofiction, rewriting, madeleine upside down


After Fils (1977) Doubrovsky continued his autofictional adventure with a production always rooted in "fiction, events and strictly real facts". S’autofictionnaliser à la manière de la madeleine à l’envers dans Un amour de soi de Serge Doubrovsky 145 This study attempts to discover the autofictional techniques used in his novel Un amour de soi. In a thematic perspective, our exploration of the Doubrovskian work is based on two axes, the first will shed light on the events of the couple Rachel / Serge, a relationship that will reveal various information about the author and his relationship with oneself -even with the other, then we will examine how does the autofictional ego convene and exploit the other in order to get a self fragmentary representation. The second will be the rewriting of Un amour de Swann of Proust, a process that will allow us to capture the specificity of Doubrovskian writing which is inspired from a revered model that could even push him away. Our interest is mainly about how does the process of "madeleine upside down" take action within Un amour de soi.


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Comment citer

Bouhadid, N. (2015). S’autofictionnaliser à la manière de la madeleine à l’envers dans Un amour de soi de Serge Doubrovsky. Cahiers ERTA, (7), 123–145. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1112


