La narration d’une fin de cycle dans Fragments d’une histoire future de Gabriel Tarde
Mots-clés :
catastrophe, humor, aesthetics, humanity, civilization, climate change, solar energyRésumé
The French sociologist Gabriel Tarde is well-known for his theory of social imitation. His work Fragments d’une histoire future is less quoted as it is a prospective essay on the future of humanity. The article deals with the narrative of this history and focuses on the special writing of the end of a cycle. How do human beings react in extreme circumstances when one major source of energy disappears ? How do they change their traditional world vision ? What are the main values that we can save in order to ensure the revival of humanity ?
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Tarde G., «Fragment d’histoire future», [dans :] Les cahiers psychologie politique, no 22, Janvier 2013. URL :
Vatin F., « Tarde, Cournot et la fin des temps », [dans :] L’Homme et la Société, 2000, vol. 136.
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