Absences, traces et reliques dans les visions apocalyptiques de Pierre Michon et László Krasznahorkai


  • Chiara Fumagalli Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle

Mots-clés :

time, destiny, subject, modernity


In the 80s, the literary paradigm and the search of meaning in the contemporary literature change. We are the witnesses, in the literary scene, of the subject return and of the anthropological need of narration. Through the narration of life stories, « fragmented » destinies, reinvented biographies, we can see the both intention of resurrecting the « marginalia », the traces forgotten by history, and at the same time of an apocalyptic vision of symbolic destruction of the Modernity.



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Comment citer

Fumagalli, C. (2014). Absences, traces et reliques dans les visions apocalyptiques de Pierre Michon et László Krasznahorkai. Cahiers ERTA, (5), 55–66. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1139


