Le dieu de la danse dans Till l’Espiègle de Téo Spychalski


Mots-clés :

Nijinski, sacrum, profanum, Spychalski, Prospero Theater


Till l’Espiègle – a theatrical production based on the Journal of Vaslav Nijinski, a Russian dancer of Polish descent – is a play of the Francophone theater. This play was presented for the first time in 1982 by a Quebec actor, Gabriel Arcand, in the Groupe de la Veillée of the Prospero Theater of Montreal. The theme of God is the main subject of the production. In this article, we are trying to demonstrate the dichotomy of the Nijinski’s microcosm: divided between the sacrum and profanum.



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Comment citer

Jakubczuk, R. (2014). Le dieu de la danse dans Till l’Espiègle de Téo Spychalski. Cahiers ERTA, (5), 81–92. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1141


