D’une mise en récit d’un monde apocalyptique à la drama


  • Emilie Patrie Université de Cergy-Pontoise

Mots-clés :

literature, Apocalypse, end, Holocaust, absurd


We notice an impact, an influence of the French History on the literature. For example, we find the theme of the death in novels due to the modern wars: the World War I and the World War II. Indeed, the narrative's creation respects the transformation of the society. We can ask the question whether the literature doesn’t want to put into the narrative's form its own death. To illustrate our argumentation, we chose testimonies of Holocaust and absurd theater plays. This corpus is representati ve of the depression and the pessimism of France afer the war. In reality, an apocalyptic narrative, a dramatic  art of the end, is the mirror of a society, and a constantly evolving literature, which was born, dies and will be reborn.


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Comment citer

Patrie, E. (2013). D’une mise en récit d’un monde apocalyptique à la drama. Cahiers ERTA, (4), 53–64. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1153


