L’Apocalypse en tant que principe révélateur de la (ré)écriture : les fins des mondes dans les Chroniques du Plateau-Mont-Royal de Michel Tremblay


  • Šárka Novotná Université Masaryk

Mots-clés :

apocalypse, Michel Tremblay, Chroniques du Plateau-Mont- Royal, imagination


Our article focuses on the apocalypse as the structure principle of novel saga Chronicles of Plateau-Mont-Royal. Tremblay, Québec author and playwrighter, creates an extense formation, predestinated to destruction, because of prohibited, incest love which prefi gures an indispensable punishment and tragical end of one family, one world. The most tragical end comes in the case of Marcel, who balances between two worlds – imaginati ve and real – whose mutual tension he tries to overcome creating an alternati ve reality. But fi nally only reveals the empti ness of both spheres and the impossibillity of any salvation. The purpose of our text consists not only in reconstructi on of the apocalypse as the philosophy-theological concept of the ontological negation, but also in another meanings, which are rated by mythological recourse an religious mythemes raising the tragic end of Tremblay´s novel universe.


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Comment citer

Novotná, Šárka. (2013). L’Apocalypse en tant que principe révélateur de la (ré)écriture : les fins des mondes dans les Chroniques du Plateau-Mont-Royal de Michel Tremblay. Cahiers ERTA, (4), 81–93. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1156


