Du héros à la victime : l’apocalypse selon Michel Houellebecq


  • Katarzyna Thiel-Jańczuk Université Adam Mickiewicz, Poznań

Mots-clés :

heroism, victimization, post-heroic utopias, minor heroism


The paper proposes an interpretation of Michel Houellebecq’s work in the perspective of heroism and victimization, two fundamental, according to J.-M. Apostolidès, categories of the western civilization. Referring those categories to Houellebecq’s discussion with contemporary individualism and its crisis, announced by the French intellectualists and called penseurs’68 by L. Ferry and A. Renaut, the author of the paper shows the presence of post-heroic utopias which are manifestations of humanism reduced to individual and trivial happiness in Houellebecq’s work. In this context, Houellebecq’s work appears to be a form of resistance against the fall of the great heroic tradition. Heroism and victimization enable to associate Houellebecq’s work with the predicament of the retour du sujet (return of the subject) through an ethic of the sacrifice as well as a game with Roland Barthes’ concept of the death of the author.


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Comment citer

Thiel-Jańczuk, K. (2013). Du héros à la victime : l’apocalypse selon Michel Houellebecq. Cahiers ERTA, (4), 109–123. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/1158


