"L’Opium du ciel" de Jean-Noël Orengo : la quête spirituelle d’un drone, entre ascèse des plaisirs charnels et exhibition des corps
https://doi.org/10.4467/23538953CE.19.022.11069Mots-clés :
Orengo, Genèse, drone, désir, savoirRésumé
In his novel entitled L’Opium du ciel (2017), Jean‐Noël Orengo narrates the adventures of a special drone owning a conscience. This steel creature will suffer some modifications which will revise his former identity. The libidinous machine becomes a spiritual entity. Hereafter, he aims to find the meaning of Life. He understands that the catastrophe is imminent because of the depravation of all values. Nevertheless, there is still hope : the cycle of metamorphoses will erase all. The drone will be the prophet of this renascence. The old world and its violence related to sexual desire will be cleared in favor of a more harmonious Earth.
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