La restitution des voix disparues dans "Alma" de J. M. G. Le Clézio
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J.M.G. Le Clézio, Alma, roman defiliation, restitution, disparitionRésumé
This paper is an attempt of analysis of a new filiation novel by J. M. G. Le Clézio entitled “Alma”, closing the series of Mauritian novels inspired by the family history of the writer. Blending the voices and histories of two narrators who come from the same Mauritian Felsen family, the author brings back their past. By putting the characters in the correct social and geographical environment, such a rooted writing becomes the cure for evil, and a memorial tribute paid to various kinds of missing Mauritians, because the after effects touched not only the narrators’ family and other inhabitants of the island but island’s Eco systems too. I suggest to trace back, how looking for family roots do commingle with searching for social roots on Mauritius, where colonial crime went hand in hand with devastation of the nature.
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