La pièce climatique d’Henri-­René Lenormand ou un désarroi ontologique



Mots-clés :

Lenormand, pièce climatique, brouillard, climat tropical, vision tragique du monde


The aim of this paper is to analyse the climatic plays by Henri‐René Lenormand (1882‐1951), and to show how difficult climatic conditions shown in his plays influence the behaviour and the attitude of the characters. In the paper different motifs are taken into consideration : fog (and, therefore, the humidity of the climate), the tropical climate in general and the tropical wind called lesimoun. In Lenormand’s plays climate is not just a secondary motif, devoid of significance, but an element which conditions the atmosphere of those plays, engenders a deep melancholy or awakens hidden and repressed instincts of the characters. The climate emphasises thus a deep existential pessimism and the tragic of an individual lost in a hostile and incomprehensible world.


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Comment citer

Ziółkowski, S. (2019). La pièce climatique d’Henri-­René Lenormand ou un désarroi ontologique. Cahiers ERTA, (20), 125–140.


