Chevelure et malédiction dans "Barberousse" et "La Reine blonde" de Michel Tournier


Mots-clés :

malédiction, identité physique, barbe, chevelure, différence


Novelist, storyteller, philosopher by training, Michel Tournier tackles in his novel The Golden droplet, published in 1985, the problem of racism towards people with different physique. Through the axial intrigue of the novel, that of Idriss, and especially those annexed to Barberousse and The Blond Queen, the author presents the stereotypes that confront otherness, the unlike (negro, redhead, blond, etc…) and calls for respect for physical differences and acceptance of the different Other. It is a whole philosophy of the representation of the other that he develops in his novel and that we propose to analyze in this study.


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Comment citer

Abouzeid, F. M. (2020). Chevelure et malédiction dans "Barberousse" et "La Reine blonde" de Michel Tournier. Cahiers ERTA, (23), 45–62. Consulté à l’adresse


