Le poil, le réel et l’informe chez Georges Bataille


Mots-clés :

poils, informe, démétaphorisation, vitalisme, anti‐puritanisme


An emblem of heterology, hair causes horripilation and fascination: it is a part of the shapelessness that signals a rejection of rationality and philosophy, of metaphorisation and aesthetics, favouring instead ugliness, abjectness and material baseness. It verges on an unheimlich (uncanny) zone, which borders on the unrepresentable. Thus, this irreducible object unleashes the transgressive power of the sacred, that, no doubt, of eroticism, but even more so, that of the Dionysiac, which is the will for power and an increase in the feeling of being alive, against ascetic, hygienist or fascist ideals. Hair would be the fetish, attesting to the perverse structure of the forbidden and of civilization.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.


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Comment citer

Galland , S. . (2020). Le poil, le réel et l’informe chez Georges Bataille. Cahiers ERTA, (23), 63–77. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/4956




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