Territoire, espace, lieu : éléments pour une réflexion géocritique


  • Fabrizio Di Pasquale Université de Limoges

Mots-clés :

géocritique, espace, lieu, territoire


This article proposes a reflection onto Geocriticism and its analysis tools, in order to highlight the importance of the literary text when creating the sense of space. The three concepts of territory, space and place will also be useful as analysis to reflect on the different ways of space representation in French literature and, in a small portion, European literature. Several authors have been considered, such as Honoré de Balzac, Gustave Flaubert, Jules Verne, René Barjavel, but also Miguel de Cervantes and Italo Calvino. As a method of interdisciplinary analysis, Geocriticism allows the diversification of perspectives in literature: a “multi‐focalisation” of places, a poly‐sensuous approach to places, a stratigraphic vision of places, and an intertextuality of places. This is why it does not gravitate around only one author or novel, but it concentrates in the referential dimension of fictional spaces.


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Comment citer

Di Pasquale, F. (2018). Territoire, espace, lieu : éléments pour une réflexion géocritique. Cahiers ERTA, (13), 9–21. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/983