Les voyages de papier de Marzi : formes et formats d’une oeuvre transnationale


Mots-clés :

roman graphique, bande dessinée autobiographique, Marzena Sowa, Sylvain Savoia, bilinguisme, La Pologne dans la bande dessinée


For twelve years, the autobiographic figure of Marzi has been undertaking her paper journey through a web of works written by Polish author Marzena Sowa and drawn by French cartoonist Sylvain Savoia. Just for its French‐language versions, Marzi has known all sorts of formats within the same medium, i.e. comics. This paper explores the forms and formats of this web of autobiographical comics in the francophone sphere.


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Comment citer

Glaude, B. (2017). Les voyages de papier de Marzi : formes et formats d’une oeuvre transnationale. Cahiers ERTA, (12), 87–106. Consulté à l’adresse https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/CE/article/view/992