Psychosocial problems experienced by patients depending on Crohn’s disease activity: an exploratory study


  • Wojciech Otrębski John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • Monika Krupa-Nowosad John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


psychosocial problems, patient with chronic disease, Crohn’s disease, quality of life, community support



The aim of the study was to assess the effect of Crohn’s disease (CD) activity and factors such as having a job, a family, or a partner on the severity of psychosocial problems experienced by them. Hypothesis: H1: CD patients who have a partner assess their psychosocial problems as less severe compared with those who do not have a partner; H2: CD patients who have a job assess the severity of psychosocial problems as statistically significantly lower than those who are out of work; H3: High activity of Crohn’s disease is statistically significantly associated with greater severity of psychosocial problems in CD patients.

Participants and procedure

Adults with Crohn’s disease, 79 women and 33 men, aged from 18 to 67 years. The activity of the disease was determined using the Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and the severity of psychosocial problems was assessed by the Psychosocial Problems Scale.


Patients with high and low activity of Crohn’s disease were affected by psychosocial problems in various spheres. The intensity of psychosocial problems was significantly related to the patients’ labour market status and the severity of the disease symptoms.


A thorough understanding of the spectrum and severity of psychosocial problems faced by persons with Crohn’s disease is necessary for healthcare professionals to be able to professionally address their various needs and increase their acceptance of their condition.


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How to Cite

Otrębski, W. ., & Krupa-Nowosad, M. (2022). Psychosocial problems experienced by patients depending on Crohn’s disease activity: an exploratory study. Health Psychology Report, 10(2), 83–92. Retrieved from


