Psycho-physiological mechanism of energy transfer in the human body: myth or reality?


  • Michał Gajewski National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Warsaw
  • Joanna Różycka-Tran University of Gdansk
  • Hao van Le Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences


health psychology, energy transfer system (ETS), psychopsychological functioning, Vietnamese martial art schoo


The authors consider the existence of an energy transfer system (ETS) in the human body and its consequences for health, performing a review of the available literature and studies. The article is an attempt to describe the possible psychophysiological mechanism of ETS (i.e. mechanism of transmission of stimuli in connective tissue) based on biochemical reactions, which was first described in Eastern Medicine a long time ago. Some previously reported results suggest that it is possible to modulate the psychophysiological effects on the connective tissue, and that the internal ETS can be activated not only through internal acupoints but also through breath self-regulation techniques. Among the people specialized in such breathing are martial art fighters. In a very preliminary pilot study we investigate four cases in a Vietnamese Thiên Môn Đạo (TMD) group, where breathing techniques result in cardiovascular and blood pressure changes, which can indirectly suggest activation of ETS. An additional energy system in the human body is postulated. However, future research is seriously needed. Findings could be applicable e.g. in cardiac rehabilitation programs.


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How to Cite

Gajewski, M. ., Różycka-Tran, J. ., & van Le, H. . (2019). Psycho-physiological mechanism of energy transfer in the human body: myth or reality?. Health Psychology Report, 7(4), 267–275. Retrieved from

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