Correlation between resilience and social support in mothers of young children with autism. Polish perspective


  • Aleksandra A. Buchholz Academy of Physical Education, Warsaw


parents of autistic children, coping, psychological resilience, support


The aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between the level of resilience and the perceived social support, primarily emotional and instrumental varieties, among mothers of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
Participants and procedure
The study involved 143 individuals aged 26-51 years (M = 38.41, SD = 5.02), mothers of children with ASD. The Berlin Social Support Scales and the Resilience Scale were used as data collection tools.
There were statistically significant positive correlations between the perceived emotional and instrumental support and all the dimensions of psychological resilience.
The results are consistent with other results presented in a similar area, but the specific context of this study should be considered – in Poland, the medical model of disability still plays a dominant role, which means that little consideration is given to the needs and problems of families raising a child with disabilities.


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How to Cite

Buchholz, A. A. (2023). Correlation between resilience and social support in mothers of young children with autism. Polish perspective. Health Psychology Report, 11(1), 10–21. Retrieved from


